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Introducing MAINTelligence™ 5.3 and InspectCE™ Upgrade

DMSI is excited to announce the arrival of MAINTelligence 5.3 and InspectCE 6.1

Software enhancements to our APMS ensure you’ll be running smoother than ever.

The launch of MAINTelligence 5.3 is just the latest in DMSI’s efforts to continually improve and refine our Enterprise Asset Performance Management System (EAPMS) to meet our client requirements to be in line with changing market opportunities.

What’s new in MAINTelligence™ 5.3:

Language Update

MAINTelligence 5.3 has added support for Chinese, Spanish, and Polish.

Manager Updates

All list options where you may select an item now features an incremental search capability. Routes can also now be scheduled with a Fixed Time interval schedule type.

Forecasting Update

The Forecast Manager features both visual and operational changes in MAINTelligence 5.3. Generation history can now be saved and viewed in the Forecast Manager, perfect for scenario planning in your plant.

Point Collection Tracking Updates

MAINTelligence 5.3 adds the ability to track for each point whether it was collected, skipped or missed. This allows you to determine problem areas within the installation, historically store information for each point, and translate those values to the route collection analysis.

“Sessions” is a new feature debuting in MAINTelligence 5.3 and tracks route collection. This allows for a route to be collected over an extended period of time or for interruptions to be saved as one Session.

Queries and Reports Updates

You can now send print reports as a PDF without an external PDF printer (i.e. Adobe Acrobat).

InspectCE™ 6.1 and the Future of MAINTelligence™

DMSI is pleased to release a new version of InspectCE to compliment MAINTelligence 5.3. We strive to offer you flexible, powerful, and cost-effective maintenance software services and end-to-end to support. If you have any questions about the MAINTelligence 5.3 update or the new InspectCE, Contact Us today! You can also visit our website to Book a Demo.