Effective reliability management should be a seamless and simple system that readily identifies and therefore reduces maintenance and operating costs associated with equipment failure.
The associated risks are mitigated through a comprehensive and integrated set of standards, such as through the MAINTelligence ™Enterprise Asset Performance Management System. Effectively implemented, this data-driven solution achieves sustainable reliability, availability, and positive bottom-line goals for competitive profitability.
So, what are the elements of effective plant reliability management?
1. Routine performance assessments
An initial assessment to develop a road map with clear ownership to close gaps, followed by regular, internally organized annual assessments to identify reliability and maintenance issues along with bi-yearly assessments conducted by external facilitators or experts from other sites are the crucial first step to achieving effective reliability management.
2. A strong plant reliability strategic plan
Do not underestimate the importance of a comprehensive plant reliability mission, vision and strategic plan that is clearly laid out, part of corporate policy, and accessible to all personnel. Together with strong senior leadership, aligning plant reliability management with business goals will ensure long-term benefits at all levels of the corporation.
3. Design focused reliability, operability, maintainability, safety, and inspectability (ROMSI)
Building a solid reliability management plan from the foundation up includes design. Poor design can lead to reliability issues based on improper operation, ineffective maintenance and inspectability, and safety concerns. Proper design of reliable equipment is based on a clear knowledge of operating context, expert involvement from the operations and maintenance domains, and risk assessment for life-cycle costs.
4. Reliability-focused operations
Standard operating procedures that include routine checks enforced by an operations team that enforces those business-aligned standards to ensure that equipment is operated correctly and within its limits will minimize failure rates and enjoy smoother operations overall. This extends to regular maintenance to maximize machine life within its design and operating context.
5. Strategic customer and supplier relationships
A clear understanding of which delivery deadlines are essential, and which ones are arbitrary can help open communication with your clients and suppliers for an effective flow of operations. And one that doesn’t put stress on equipment causing potential downtime. Strategic partners also bring important knowledge and experience to the table, enabling you to plan more effectively, improve design if necessary, build-in adequate time for operations and maintenance, and therefore more effectively assess problems and shortcomings.
6. Reliability data collection and analysis systems
The organization must be committed to collecting operational and maintenance-related data when things are running smoothly, as well as when they’re not for an accurate, overall picture. Improvements require reliable data, and that comes from regular reliability management.
See why MAINTelligence ™ is your complete solution in reliability-focused CMMS. Book a demo with us today!