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How To Setup a Time Limit To Determine If Old Data is Still Valid

Introducing InfoBoard™ for MAINTelligence

DMSI is pleased to introduce InfoBoard™, the latest addition to the MAINTelligenceproduct suite. InfoBoard™ is an independent app that acts as an enterprise dashboard designed to display operations, maintenance, and reliability information. Five dashboard panes display the first-alert view of critical conditions in easy-to-read, color-coded graphs, charts, and tables. Powerful filters let you see data the way you want to so you will always get the information that matters most, first.

“InfoBoard™ offers a CMMS dashboard to visualize the asset health of your plant or organization at a single glance,” said Todd Chow, VP of Product Development at DMSI. “Dashboards for data visualization include alerts to allow timely decision-making.”

“This dashboard leverages the data acquisition from InspectCE™ and InspectNET™ with MAINTelligence™ expert systems analysis and algorithms to give you key performance indicators,” adds Ian Liddle, President of DMSI. “The simplicity of InfoBoard™ means no training or configuration is required.”


  • Spot failures and bottlenecks at a single glance
  • Status tracking for scheduled maintenance activities
  • Monitor staff in charge of data collection at a site, plant, or facility
  • Identify which inspection points were skipped or missed
  • Observe failure conditions from vibration and lubrication data imports.

Product Screenshots

InfoBoard™ is an independent app that acts as an enterprise dashboard designed to display operations, maintenance and reliability information.

InfoBoard™ is an independent app that acts as an enterprise dashboard designed to display operations, maintenance and reliability information.

InfoBoard™ is an independent app that acts as an enterprise dashboard designed to display operations, maintenance and reliability information.    


Design Maintenance Systems Inc. (DMSI) is an established global provider of Enterprise Asset Performance Management (EAPM) solutions which are continuously refined and developed in line with market opportunities and client requirements. By providing flexible, powerful, and cost-effective maintenance software, services, and end-to-end support, we help deliver asset health and positively affect our clients’ bottom line. We enable organizations to proactively manage their risks and costs. Our flagship product, MAINTelligence software, singularly manages all data received by inspections, predictive technologies, and data historian methods, it translates that data into useful decision-making information for Plant, Operational, Maintenance, and Reliability Managers to reduce maintenance expenditure. DMSI offers a single solution that helps our clients execute and deliver on their brand promises.

Media Contact:
Andrew Liddle
(604) 984-3674