Learn how to download and upload routes in MAINTelligence in a few simple steps.
Downloading MAINTelligence Route to Handheld
- Plug in handheld and click “Access Instrumentation”
- Choose InspectCE, then click “Connect” (If you receive an error, please contact your local support or DMSI for troubleshooting)
- Select the routes you wish to download, then click “Download”
- Once the download is complete, the handheld may be unplugged and the routes are ready for inspection
Uploading to MAINTelligence
- After routes are performed, plug in handheld and click “Access Instrumentation”
- Choose InspectCE, then click “Connect”
- Select the routes you wish to upload, then click “Upload”
- Once the upload is complete, click “Import”
- After successful import, click “Finish”
- You may reset the data in the routes by clicking “Reset”
- If changes were made to MAINTelligence and your system recently, you must delete the route your routes and re-download
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