CBM+Reliablility Connect Asia 2023

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
May 9, 2023 - May 11, 2023

Join DMSI as we attend CBM+Reliablility Connect Asiain in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on May 9-11, 2023.

CBM+Reliability Connect training conference is specifically for Condition Monitoring & Reliability Professionals. From hands-on workshops, interactive learning sessions, real-life case studies, to the latest technologies featured in the expo, this training conference provides practical learning in the important aspects of industrial condition monitoring technologies.

Our team will also be participating in a case study as Andrew Liddle teams up with Dodyk Prasetyo Widodo to look at Integrated Asset Health Monitoring Implementation. Watch their presentation on Thursday the 11th at 13:45 and check out the full conference schedule.

We’re looking forward to connecting with participants at our booth, where we’ll be demoing our suite of products.


The Westin Kalua Lumpur in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

About the CBM+Reliability Connect Conference:

CBM+RELIABILITY CONNECT®  training events are 100% for and about the machine condition monitoring and reliability improvement industries. Covering a broad range of technologies and sub-industries that revolve around keeping machinery in working order such as vibration analysis, infrared thermography, wear debris analysis, motor testing, ultrasound, lubrication, condition monitoring, and alignment and balance.

If you are going to attend this conference, make sure to stop by booth 30! If you’d like to schedule a demo at or ahead of the CBM+Reliability Connect conference or have any questions, please call toll-free at 1-800-923-3674 or info@desmaint.com.

For those who are unable to attend the event, you can follow along with the tradeshow’s conference agenda. Stay tuned for a blog post from our National Sales Manager for Canada, Ian Lam, who will detail how the event went.

Download our handy map of the exhibition space.

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