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DMSI Attends the MAINTENANCE International Trade Fair

DMSI Attends the Future of Industrial Maintenance and Asset Management on the World Stage

DMSI was thrilled to be a part of the annual MAINTENANCE International Trade Fair last week in Barakaldo, a small city in the Estuary of Bilbao in Northern Spain. This highly specialized trade show features exhibits from around the world on the latest trends and developments in industrial maintenance, asset and facility management, and production reliability.

The three-day conference was held at the new Bilbao Exhibition Centre; itself a modern, innovative space, and the perfect setting to host an exhibition about state-of-the-art industrial maintenance technology.

Highlights of the three-day trade fair included sessions on digitization in maintenance, success stories of predictive maintenance technologies, and the new technologies and methodologies in maintenance that will shape the future of the industry. The discussion panels were informative and animated, populated by experts from various fields ranging from research engineers and PhD professors to maintenance managers and scientists.

Acquiring this spectrum of viewpoints and hard data from leaders in their respective fields encourages forward-thinking that will influence and aid the development of DMSI products as we move into the future.