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Creating numeric inspection with alarm set

Part 1: Creating Numeric Inspection

To make a single numeric inspection value type of point for example temperature points, you first need to have a reading type. Then this reading type must be associated or linked to the point that is meant to collect this value.

  1. Refer to Figures 1 – 3 to create the reading type. Note this example illustrates how to make a numeric inspection reading type ie. meant for tracking temperature in Fahrenheit. If you are measuring the bearing surface temperature, ambient temperature, or sea water temperature you do not have to make a separate reading type. You only need to make different points to describe the process location noted above. This approach will control the number of reading types needed in any database.
numeric system - reading types

Figure 1


inspection for reading types

Figure 2


graph for reading type

Figure 3


Part 2:

To make the point using the reading type created, refer to Figures 4 – 6.

insert point for reading type

Figure 4



temperature inspection reading type

Figure 5                      


Select Raytek for temp gun or Single Value for manual entry 

collection method for reading types

Figure 6


Part 3:

In order for the point to have an alarm, you must first define an alarm set. Next, you must link the point to this alarm set. This is illustrated in Figures 7a – 14. 

selecting alarm set for reading type

Figure 7a


inserting for reading type

Figure 7b


renaming alarm set id with temperature alarm

Figure 8


horizontal graph of alarms

Figure 9


alarm reading type parameter for current alarm

Figure 10


selecting reading type parameters

Figure 11


temperature setting for reading type

Figure 12


general: temperature inspection reading type

Figure 13               


choose: alarm set - temperature alarm

Figure 14

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